Explaining Divorce to Your Children

Huntsville, Alabama Divorce Attorneys | Crumbley-Blackwell-Price Attorneys

Explaining Divorce to Children

Divorce can be difficult for any family to face – especially for children, who may not understand why their parents are getting divorced. They may be confused about their own role in their parents’ marriage. Talking with the children about divorce is an essential step to moving forward, but this can be difficult for many parents to do. Often, parents delay talking with their children about the situation because they are unsure how to approach it, but this could make divorce more difficult for the children to understand. When children are faced with the separation of their parents, some feel as if they are at fault, or grow angry and begin acting out. This situation could make the process even more difficult for both spouses and children.

Use these strategies when talking to your children about divorce:

While talking to your children about your divorce, remember that many people have to go through this process and there are ways to make it easier for both spouses and children. The following strategies will help to decrease the difficulty of these conversations:

  • Talk to your children with your spouse present. This portrays a “united front,” which is very important moving forward in this process.
  • Make it very clear, that the divorce is not their fault. This will help them understand that they are not the reason for divorce.
  • Carefully explain the reasons for divorce to your children (as appropriate). This will help the children understand the reasoning and will reinforce the idea that they are not to blame.
  • Maintain eye contact, a calm voice, and calm demeanor when speaking to the children. This will help maintain a calm atmosphere and ensure tensions do not arise.
  • Avoid blaming your spouse for anything relating to divorce, and stay positive. This will ensure that tensions do not arise when discussing the difficult situation with your children.
  • Allow plenty of time for children to ask questions. This will help them comprehend the reasoning for your divorce, while answering their own questions about the situation.
  • These strategies could make discussing divorce easier, not only for you and your spouse, but for your children. While you may not implement all strategies, choose which ones will work best for you and your family. If you would like to speak to an experienced divorce and family law attorney from our team who can help you through this process – schedule a consultation today by calling (256) 539-4464 or completing a case evaluation form online.

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    • 2304 Memorial Pkwy SW, Huntsville, AL 35801
    • 217 Randolph Ave SE, Huntsville, AL 35801
    • 112 Market Street W., Athens, AL 35611
    • 427 2nd Avenue SW, Suite 102, Cullman, AL 35055
    • 5500 Southlake Park Suite 200, Birmingham, AL 35244

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      Phone (English): (256) 539-4464
      Google map: https://goo.gl/maps/zbu296X2SNZUi6Tr6


      Address: 217 Randolph Ave SE, Huntsville, AL 35801
      Phone (English): (256) 539-4464
      Google map: https://goo.gl/maps/Li7ndJFe9u7amwQx7


      Address: 2304 Memorial Pkwy SW, Huntsville, AL 35801
      Phone (English): (256) 539-4464
      Google map: https://goo.gl/maps/JrumnQm5GT4rj4j97


      Address: 427 2nd Avenue SW, Suite 102, Cullman, AL 35055
      Phone (English): (256) 539-4464
      Google map: https://goo.gl/maps/NLDEo3KUFMoLawMA8